Thursday, June 26, 2008

Bucket List

On a lighter note, this is my list of things to do before I die... some of which I've already done and some of which I don't know of yet and so I'll add them on as a continuous entry throughout this year (and they are in no particular order)

1. ride a camel
2. ride an elephant
3. sky dive
4. see the 'Wattoluempiade' Mudflat Olympic Games in Germany
5. become fluent in another language
6. ski the Alps
7. read 100 books from literary acclaimed authors (Faulkner, Austin, Dickens, Hemingway, Poe, Shaw, Kipling, Huxley, Woolf, Steinbeck)
8. Visit the major church history sites in Mormon Culture (Independence Missouri, Martin's Cove, Palmyra, the Holy Land, Adam-ondi-ahman, Armageddon)
9. Visit every temple in the US (along with as many outside the US as possible)
10. ride in a hot air balloon
11. ride in a 2-3 passenger airplane
12. compete in a duathalon
13. Swim in or travel over the "7 Seas" - Dead, Red, Galilee, Black, Caspian, Mediterranean, Adriatic, Aegean, and Arabian and all the landlocked seas
14. Swim in the 6 landlocked seas - Aral Sea (Kazakhstan/Uzbekistan), Caspian Sea (Azerbaijan, Iran, Kazakhstan, Russia, Turkmenistan), Dead Sea (Israel/Jordan/West Bank), Sea of Galilee (Israel), Salton Sea (Cali), and Great Salt Lake (Utah)
15. swim with dolphins
16. Keep a journal for one complete year, in a consecutive fashion
17. Travel Europe with bare minimum for a month
18. rebuild a Peugeot 104 (1973 model?)

p.s. - this is a bit of a to-get-to-in-free-time list. Of course my marriage, hubby, chilluns' come first. Who you think I am? Some crazy bucket list hunter with no appreciation for the finer things in life (no not the caviar but those stinky diapers and as said on Alex and Emma - the laundry by myself)

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"If you ain't got it in ya, you can't blow it out" - Louis Armstrong